
  • Marrow bones, fatty offcust
  • Apple Cider Vinegar ACV
  • Garlic (optional)
  • Rosemary (optional)
  • Thyme (optional)
  • Black pepper
  • Turmeric
  • Lambs Liver


  1. Place marrow bones and any fatty offcuts in a slow cooker.
  2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of ACV cover with water. We also like to add a couple of peeled garlic cloves and some sprigs of Rosemary and Thyme.
  3. Place slow cooker on ‘High’ until simmering, then reduce to ‘Low’ and cook for at least 24 hours .
  4. Your broth will be done when any marrow falls out of the bones and a shimmering film can be seen on top of the liquid.
  5. Remove the bones and any chunks but do not strain as this will remove the goodness!
  6. Add approximately 2 tablespoons of ground turmeric and a healthy amount of freshly ground black pepper.
  7. Your broth should be a beautiful rich golden colour with flecks of black pepper throughout.
  8. Allow your broth to cool before serving- can be frozen in moulds
  • Add approximately 2 tablespoons of ground turmeric and a healthy amount of freshly ground black pepper. Your broth should be a beautiful rich golden colour with flecks of black pepper throughout.
  • Allow your broth to cool before serving- can be frozen in moulds


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Instagram account name: @Dinathewiener

Always check with your vet before introducing new foods to your dog

Tagged: Healthy Treat